Audible was the most-played New Brand of November 2021. The ad aired mostly during Mid-Dawn and Evenings, and placed second in the break on 355 occasions (10.69%). ARN’s 96FM aired the largest number of ads with 369.
Haval recorded 1484 ads for its brand new model SUV. The spot went to air in all monitored markets, except Sydney. 20.28% of total ads occurred during the Afternoons, more than any other daypart. Adelaide’s Mix102.3 aired the most ads with 150 instances.
Telstra’s Belong Broadband advertised across 27 different stations, the most of any brand in the survey. It also had the highest percentage of ads that played first in the break with 14.57%, and was featured heavily at Breakfast (29.53%).
With the announcement of trans-Tasman border openings, Tourism New Zealand launched its 100% Pure New Zealand Campaign, airing 902 spots across Nova Entertainment-owned stations in all major markets.